FM!network | rave culture online magazine

10 Jahre (Stand: 2016) erfolgreiche Präsenz im Musik-Business. Vom kleinen Vertreter einer Subkultur zum gefeierten Netzwerk der Musikszene. Ein Business auf dem Weg zum Global Player?

FM!network |

Ein Paradebeispiel dafür, dass aus einem einfachen Mittel zum Zweck, etwas ganz großes werden kann. Wir haben gemeinsam aus einer Idee eine etablierte Marke geformt. Die mhmedia group liefert das Gesamtpaket und bereitet heute schon das Netzwerk 5.0 vor.

„At the end of every week, each one of us becomes a freak!“

Name: FM!network
Type of enterprise: music network & online magazine
Official website:
Other domains:,,,

FM!network is a multi-focused group of agencies founded in 2006 and operated by the all-rounder Martin Hollwitz also known as Neo Lectro. Originally it was just a collective of musicians (deejays, live acts, producers) from the area of Central Germany that was and still is open-minded towards every imaginable style of electronic music. Steadily in motion, the crew was – cooperating, experimenting, generating – in search for new challenges. But it grew up quickly to one of the most consistent and successful electronic music organisations of recent years. Based in Leipzig, Germany, the FM!network consists of digitall.FM! (digital- and net-label), the booking agency FM!booking (artist management & promotion) and the FM!community (electronic music board). Since the end of 2008 they fill-up the network spectrum with organizing and promoting parties, events and festivals affixed with the seal FM!events. Especially the Tekk Freakz series and electronic Fight Club.

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